Our Thinking

How Black Swan Powers Nestlé’s Foresight Capability
Hugo Amos is joined by Ritanbara Mundrey, Global Head of Innovation & Insights at Nestlé Dairy to discuss how Black Swan is powering their foresight capabilities.
11 - Jul - 24
20 - Aug - 20
How to separate the trend signal from the Covid noise
Black Swan’s new Covid Classifier explained   The pitfalls of analysing consumer behaviour in a pandemic
20 - Aug - 20
Cut through the uncertainty and unpredictability of Covid-19
Well, this is embarrassing…   I started Black Swan Data because I believed AI applied to big data could help global CPG brands with one of their biggest challenges – uncertainty.
07 - Aug - 20
Black Swan and Connected Traveller Services
Hello, We recently removed the Fethr logo from our website and we’ve had a number of enquiries regarding our Aviation business so I wanted to provide a quick explanation.
06 - Aug - 20
Consumer Behaviour
What’s for dinner tonight? Our trend predictions in Foods and Meals
What's for dinner tonight? Tomorrow? In 2021 and beyond? Our Foods and Meals trend predictions will tell you.
11 - Jun - 20
8 Years of Trends in 8 Weeks with Mondelez SnackFutures
What a long time eight weeks can be. It’s enough time to lose a stone in weight on the NHS weight loss plan, to gain four pounds in weight if you are a new born baby, or to work up to running for 28 minutes at a time, on the Couch to 5K programme.
21 - May - 20
Navigating the Storm with Colgate-Palmolive’s Cherie Leonard
A week may be a long time in politics, but a fortnight can feel like a lifetime in lockdown. Based on our fortnightly COVID-19 reports, which cover both broad societal and category specific topics, it seems that two weeks is the cycle time for change. In this, our third fortnightly webinar, the overriding observation is how consumers are changing from thinking about life after the virus, to finding ways to adapt and live through it.
12 - May - 20
Navigating the Storm | Diverging Behaviors in Personal Care
Lockdown week 9. At this point I think we’ll all forgive each other if certain elements of our previously immaculate personal care regimes have slipped, with human contact limited to a slew of video calls (and Zoom’s “touch up” filter hides a multitude of imperfections).
01 - May - 20
Navigating the Storm | Debunking the 'New Normal'
A panel discussion with Reckitt Benckiser and Black Swan Data.
20 - Apr - 20
Navigating the Storm | Shifting Emotional & Functional Drivers in Skincare
Skin. It’s our largest organ and plays a vital role in protecting us from outside infection and disease. It’s no surprise that COVID-19 has contributed to an uptick in conversation around skincare (+141% over the past 4 weeks). It’s a multi-faceted conversation that points to a number of direct (hygienic) and indirect (Zoom vanity) implications.
15 - Apr - 20
COVID-19 | Taking the Pulse of the nation
At Black Swan we set ourselves a simple, but ambitious goal: to ensure our clients never miss a trend. We use our cutting-edge data science and analytics teams to track and distil social conversations around some of the world’s biggest consumer categories – snacks, beverages, beauty and more – to surface those small innovations that we predict might just become the next big thing.
12 - Apr - 20
Navigating the Storm | The Route Back for Airlines
Few industries have been as affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as Travel and Aviation. Almost immediately after the first diagnoses in China, large parts of the West limited or prohibited travel to the world’s second largest aviation market.
08 - Apr - 20
Navigating the Storm | A resurgence for efficacy claims
As we come to terms with the artificial environment we find ourselves in, we anxiously await for some indication of how our world will be impacted in the longer-term future.